Tuesday Jul 16, 2024
Gene Valentino, Tom DelBeccaro and Bo French on State of the Nation - 16 July 2024
GUEST 1 OVERVIEW: The GrassRoots TruthCast, created by former Escambia County Florida Commissioner Gene Valentino, is a weekly broadcast from Pensacola, Florida.
Gene, an investment entrepreneur and avid pilot, is a founding member of VeriJet charter aviation and serves on the company’s Board of Directors. When he’s not in studio, Gene can usually be found in the skies over the Gulf of Mexico piloting his ICON A5
GUEST 2 OVERVIEW: Tom DelBeccaro, author, forthcoming book
Author, new book (to be released July 2024) Lessons of the american Civiilization
BIO: om Del Beccaro is an acclaimed author, speaker and the former Chairman of the California Republican Party. Tom is the publisher of PoliticalVanguard.com and the author the Amazon best seller, The Divided Era, which explains why “the more government decides, the more it divides.”
Tom’s next book, the Lessons of the American Civilization, comes out July 30, 2024. “Picking up where he left off with The Divided Era, Del Beccaro continues his writing in the tradition of Will and Ariel Durant, with his latest work, The Lessons of the American Civilization. Del Beccaro’s sweeping study of the American Civilization places America’s past in the historical perspective too often missing from American classrooms and political discussions today.” John Gizzi, White House/Congressional Correspondent for over forty years.
GUEST 3 OVERVIEW: Bo French - NEW! Chairman, Tarrant County (Texas) GOP
- Represents millions in Dallas/Fort Worth huge swing district
- Lifelong friend & business partner to "American Sniper" Chris Kyle
- Successful entrepreneur
- Father of 4 young children
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